IFRA XMA Cross Media Awards 2009
   Company: Vecernji List d.d.
   Project name: Vecernji +
  General information about the publication
   Vecernji is the leading multimedia company in Croatia and was founded in 1959 in Zagreb. Since 2000, Vecernji list has been owned by the Austrian media corporate group Styria. Vecernji is a media brand present in different communication platforms: print, online, mobile, TV...
  Entry description
   - The notion of information is firmly embedded in every media company’s strategic code. However, this is no longer enough in a time when the market is being determined by a new media element, a strategic orientation, which is multichannel communication. The future of Vecernji is a comprehensive branding approach and this is where the strength of Večernji lies. Večernji offers the media market a comprehensive communication spectrum – information and communication transposed into all existing media forms available to absolutely all target groups, depending on the needs, demands and habits of our present and future readers, users, advertisers and business partners. - The main brand name Večernji list, a print media, is extended to Večernji.hr, a news web plattform, Večernji SMS, mobile text news, Večernji FM, an internet radio, Večernji blog, blog plattform.... Its all about Večernji + extension. Večernji is by its name/design/appearance the connector betwen all the communication platforms we provide to our present and future readers/users/target groups. On the other hand, there are also several Večernji sub-brands, supplements and magazines, which are the strategic tool to approach new audiences and target groups.
  The basic idea of your cross-media design
   Branding strategy
- In 2009 Vecernji celebrates its 50th birthsday: though Večernji 2009 is much more than print media: If we assessed Večernji solely on the basis of this half century, we would only be able to talk about Večernji list as the one platform for Večernji to communicate with those who cannot imagine their day without their daily newsflash. We would be talking about a single type of journalism, which today can be called “post festum journalism”.
Combining different platforms through recognizable design, we wanted to target different user groups, but all of them would know that the platform they are using is by Vecernji.
- The modern brand now has various aspects – Večernji List, www.vecernji.hr, Večernji SMS, Večernji FM, Večernji TV… Through these Večernji-related aspects we wish to point out that this is a brand that has surpassed the communication channel of the print media. Večernji is an omnipresent medium. It is a reflection of modern times, of development and of the pioneer spirit of the brand that is setting the standards in the media market. In the print segment there are many different weekly supplement for different reader groups. They are all connected with the FIRST LETTER designed as the logo of the publication beeing the connector for all of them.
- The crucial values for Večernji are authenticity, relevance and influence. Like a bridge, all these values are transposed into the new platform segment. Our winning post is, therefore, based on the communication/branding spectrum of Večernji’s different forms: Večernji is at the service of readers and users – as a publishing company, we adapt to the readers – who can now access information whenever they want, however they want, by selecting the information to be accessed through our service. With lasting authenticity and by always insisting on quality, excellence and trust, we are finding new paths towards innovative forms of cooperation and an increasingly better product position.
  Used media channels
   Newspaper    TV
   Supplement/Magazine    Mobile Services
   Online    Online Radio / Podcasting
   Web-TV / Video
  The implementation
   Vecernji is implementing its branding strategy since 2006. Since the corporate and brand design is crucial, we established a special creative&desing company owned by Vecernji list RedPoint which is responsible for the general design&branding appearance. RedPoint is producing all the ads both print and online. We can divide the strategy into print and digital segments, but all of them are appearing both print and online.
Vecernji + brands & digital sub-brands
VEČERNJI.HR is the most influential, most important and most reliable Croatian news portal. More than 150 000 users visit the portal every working day, and more than a million and a half pages are opened in their quest for brief and clear information, together with rich and unique photo galleries that cannot be found on other internet portals.
SPORTAL.HR ‘’Be the first!’’ is the slogan of Sportal.hr because readers are able to watch events live in the course of attractive coverage.
SHOWBIZ.HR offers exclusive download of the newest hits in mp3 format, for the first time legally in Croatia. Showbiz.hr provides everyone with the easiest way to get hold of Croatian music, exclusive photo galleries and juicy stories from home and international show business.
VEČERNJI SMS NEWS As the pace of life grows faster, information is required right now and everywhere. The moment the news arrives, the SMS news service enables users to access this information no matter where they are.
VEČERNJI RSS news provides the user with an opportunity to get the newest information for free, not requiring them to be logged onto the news portal, but allowing them to work in peace, to play or to scan all internet pages.
The application enables the new information to appear on the screen as an electronic message.
Večernji list’s TV NEWS Subscribers to cable TV network B.net can get the latest information at any moment on their television screens too. The newest information is broadcast around the clock, refreshed the moment it appears and on the portal, thus cutting out the need to stop watching a film, sports show or other program for some news show
Vecernji.FM – radio station on Vecernji.hr newsportal
Vecernji.hr for VIP BlackBerry Storm – mobile news for BlackBerry
Pretplata – web site for Vecernji list print subscription / print magazine
Moj Vecernji – print subscribers only web site
E izdanje Večernjeg lista - e-paper print edition http://e.vecernji.hr
PRINT sub-brands
„First letter“ supplements - print
M Manager.hr is a weekly supplement offering a review of interesting features in the economy, intended for the world of business.and
E TV Screen (Ekran), a weekly television supplement with a review of TV programs of the 40 best rated channels and a number of topics on the national and world show-business scene.
O Horizon (Obzor) is a political magazine elaborating the most important topics from social and cultural life.
V - glossy trendy magazine for women,
P Travel (Putovanja) dedicated to unforgettable trips and tourism.
K Karijera Career supplement, a kind of guide through the labor market which includes employers and those seeking employment.
Večernjak rounds off its content–related platform where all generations of our readers can find the most reliable and most important information.
Homepage_Vhr.JPG  (283 KB)   
V_inside.pdf  (144 KB)   
V_front.pdf  (5822 KB)   
VL_NOVILOGO.jpg  (99 KB)   
9530-vr-02.jpg  (68 KB)   
V.JPG  (28 KB)   
Branding.pdf  (229 KB)   
Page.JPG  (129 KB)   
  Results of the design & branding implementation
   Since the start of a unique Vecernji + branding strategy and print sub-brands the reader/user structure changed since we could generate new consumers using different technology/media channels. The design and branding are recognized by everybody as Vecernji products due to the unique concept/colour navigation. Since the newspaper market in Croatia is declining in last couple of months, with this branding strategy we managed to keep the sold circulation stabile. The readers structure changed – now we an increase in younger reader audience due to special interest magazines: 55% Večernji list-readers are 2008 btw. 20 and 49 yeard old. The online statistics are also great – the number of unique clients climbed from 672.881 (May 06) to 1.318.490 (May 09). The print subscription increase from 2007 to 2009 = +100.
In the second phase – yet to come in July - since Vecernji list is celebrating its 50. birthday on July 1st, to bring the design and branding strategy to the next level, we are preparing new print and online designs.
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