IFRA XMA Cross Media Awards 2009
   Company: Catavencu SA
   Project name: Guvernul Privat
  General information about the publication
   Business Standard is a daily economic and financial newspaper launched two years ago, in May 2007.
It belongs to Realitatea Catavencu media group, one of the largest media groups in Romania. The general philosophy of Business Standard is to provide daily economic and financial information in a way that makes it easy to understand and insightful for our audiences. We also have as our strategy to make Business Standard a tool and a change agent for our business community.
The daily circulation is 18.000 - 20.000 copies, of which around 13.000 subscriptions. Out main competitor is Ziarul Financiar, launched in 1998, with a circulation of about 19.000 per day.
Besides the daily content and specialized products, Business Standard launched and developed the most important platform for dialogue and change in the business community - "Guvernul Privat" ("The Private Government")
  Entry description
   "Guvernul Privat" is a concept launched in September 2008 to bring together the business community and the Romanian government in order to improve the environment and make a change for the whole society. It started from a fact: there is no constant and structured communication between the business community and the administration and, most of the time, it happends as a reaction to a bad law, not as a constructive dialogue. Guvernul Privat is a cross-media concept - print, online, TV, events, book. It started as a series of events (round tables with the business community) - the purpose being to identify 10 critical aspects in the Romanian economy which could be improved. The second part of the project was to bring those 10 chapters, with the solutions, on the Government's table and set up a platform for permanent discussion and change. Two meetings with the prime minister and 300 business leaders took place, and we had another 5 meetings with ministers from the cabinat on specific issues.
  The basic idea of your cross-media design
   The basic idea behind Guvernul Privat was to rise awareness for the daily Business Standard - inside the business community and with the public administration.
Basically, Romania lacks a mechanism to ensure an efficient dialogue between the government and the business community. In the same time, there is a lot of expertise in the business community which is wasted because it is not publicly shared. Business Standard's idea was to transform this expertise in content, to put it in print and on TV and to create a stream of information and knowledge which will benefit our audiences and the society at large - in case some of the initiatives are implemented.
We mainly targeted the business community, but, using the television and the internet, we opened the discussion to the public at large.
Our main intention was to attract the business community and the public authorities.
  Used media channels
   Newspaper    TV
   Event(s)    Book(s)
  The implementation
   The project started in September 2008, at Business Standard's initiative. The entire concept was created at the management's level.
The mechanism is as follows:
- The Private Government consists mainly in large meetings between the business community and the government. Between the meetings, themes are being debated in print and online.
- the newspapaer is preparing the theme for each meeting - articles, insights from the business community
- each meeting/debate is broadcasted live on television
- the newspapaer is following the project in print after each meeting and between the meetings
- all the project and updates are available online - the project has its own site for content, ffed back, dialogue and video.
- all the project is structured around 10 vital areas in the economy and has its roots in a book which gathered together all the research and solutions.
new logo standard 3.0.jpg  (502 KB)   
GUVPRIV-Iogo.jpg  (145 KB)   
bst-fp.jpg  (911 KB)   
guvern-privat-2-3.jpg  (958 KB)   
website.jpg  (193 KB)   
debate guvernul privat.jpg  (93 KB)   
tv show guvernul privat.jpg  (27 KB)   
  Results of the design & branding implementation
   Every participant in the project is a subscriber for Business Standard. Being mainly a project intended to raise awareness, we did not target increased sales, but increased audience. We do not have, yet, the figures.
But, on the other hand, we increased the newspapaer's profile among business leaders - they all know, respond, read and collborate with us.
It also triggered some real changes in the business environment - 7 of our proposal were implemented or in the way of being implemented.
We constanly have important feedback from the business leaders - each theme we put on the table generates about 50 responses, proposals etc.
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